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Peace is a Blessing

Good Shabbos! This week we read Parshas Nasso. In Parshas Nasso, we find the famous blessings that the Kohanim bless the Jewish people...

Always Building Good

Good Shabbos! This week is Parshas Emor, but today is lag ba’omer so let’s discuss the holiday of the day. Lag Ba’omer is celebrated...

Poisoned Speech Creates a Poisoned Home

Good Shabbos! This week is a double Parsha, Parshas Tazria-Metzora, which focuses largely on Tzaras, a malady which can afflict a person,...

A Splitting Sea, and a Splitting Emotion

Moadim L’simcha! This Shabbos does not have its own Parsha, because it is part of Pesach. Instead, we read about splitting of the Sea of...

NOT Just a cog in the machine

Good Shabbos! This week we start a new book of the Torah, the book of Vayikra. In the first verse, Rashi explains an apparent redundancy...

Jezebel's Best Trait

Needless to say, Jezebel (Izevel in Hebrew) was a terrible, wicked, and destructive person. A Sidonian princess, she married Ahab, the...

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