Past struggles do not guarantee future failures
When marketing a diet, exercise program, home gym equipment, or financial strategy, most advertisers use the common disclaimer, "Past...
When marketing a diet, exercise program, home gym equipment, or financial strategy, most advertisers use the common disclaimer, "Past...
Good Shabbos! This week we read Parshas Nasso. In Parshas Nasso, we find the famous blessings that the Kohanim bless the Jewish people...
Good Shabbos! This week we start a new book of the Torah with Parsha’s Bamidbar. Much of the Parsha centers around the counting of the...
Good Shabbos! This week is Parshas Emor, but today is lag ba’omer so let’s discuss the holiday of the day. Lag Ba’omer is celebrated...
Good Shabbos! This week is a double Parsha, Parshas Tazria-Metzora, which focuses largely on Tzaras, a malady which can afflict a person,...
Good Shabbos! This weeks Parsha, Parshas Shemini, contains the tragic death of Aharon’s sons Nadav and Avihu. After their death, Hashem...
Moadim L’simcha! This Shabbos does not have its own Parsha, because it is part of Pesach. Instead, we read about splitting of the Sea of...
Good Shabbos! This week we start a new book of the Torah, the book of Vayikra. In the first verse, Rashi explains an apparent redundancy...
Speed runners of Mario games know how to maximize their movement. They know when to jump, how fast they need to run, and the movements of...
Needless to say, Jezebel (Izevel in Hebrew) was a terrible, wicked, and destructive person. A Sidonian princess, she married Ahab, the...
Kosher Click-Bait Mikeitz First, a little backstory. Yaakov (Jacob) has 12 sons. The second to last, Yosef, was the favorite, and bred...